
Digital Tutors: Facing the new generation and challenges
The project Digital Tutors: Facing the new generation and challenges aims to improve distance learning by providing digital competences to teachers. The project is designed to define the role of Digital Tutor, to improve the teaching-learning process of onl..

Associated partners of the international project TirAmISu discussed first aid education issue in schools
On the 27th of February, 2020, Vaižgantas progymnasium of Kaunas University of Technology has invited the associated partners of the international project TirAmISu (First Aid Improves Survival) to learn more about the project and the expected results, to share..

Programming Basics for Elementary Teachers
It is noticeable that at an early age, children are able to launch their desired programs on a tablet or computer, and without understanding the rules, quickly understand what needs to be done to change images or game levels. Many European countries are alread..

Integrated subject and language teaching is becoming increasingly important in schools
CLIL - Integrated Subject and Language Teaching - is a response to the need for many schools to reinforce the teaching of foreign languages and mathematics and science. On November 11, 2019, the two-year CLIL for STEAM (CLIL4S) International Erasmus + Strategi..

An innovative model for career counseling and job placement for NEET young people with mental health problems
The eMundus team November 18-19, 2019 participated in the first meeting of the Erasmus + KA2 project "Innovative Career Counseling Services for Mental Health NEETs (Work4Psy)" in Athens, Greece. The first partner meetings for project implementation are particu..