An innovative model for career counseling and job placement for NEET young people with mental health problems
The eMundus team November 18-19, 2019 participated in the first meeting of the Erasmus + KA2 project "Innovative Career Counseling Services for Mental Health NEETs (Work4Psy)" in Athens, Greece. The first partner meetings for project implementation are particularly important for the planned work.
The NEET concept in the global practice means "Not in Education, Employment, or Training". The Work4Psy project is designed to create a database as a learning environment for the four target audiences of the project: career counselors and mental health professionals working with NEET youth, informal carers (ie NEET youth relatives, friends) and NEET youth themselves. The latter part will be given additional attention not only because the training material for young people needs to be prepared differently to the professionals in their field (appropriate text form, more visual aspects without pulling out scientific articles, etc.) but also bearing in mind different mental problems.
eMundus as technical partner is responsible for website, e-learning environment and other visual and technical issues.
During the project meeting in Greece, the partners presented their countries' mental health systems, situation, main problems. Project implementation issues, technical possibilities, deadlines for implementation were discussed with partners. The project website and logo will be completed in the coming months, and content partners will produce literature reviews in this area in their countries, and share useful resources available. As with any project meeting in the future, the partners will also meet people with mental health problems in the country in order to hear their needs, how they have been integrated into the labor market, what has helped them and what is important to them in the process.
Project Website: http://work4psy.eu