"DIGIFINEDU" partners meeting in Lithuania
The teams of the DigiFinEdu project will start their first activities on February 24, 2022. partners gathered for the first live meeting in Raseiniai. The partners of the DigiFinEdu project met for the first time online only after the project started on February 4, which was a great opportunity to hear about each other and briefly discuss administrative issues and review the project (project at a glance). The meeting in Raseiniai was organized by the coordinating institution Raseiniai Šaltinis Progymnasium and the partner institution VšĮ “eMundus” joined the organization.
During the meeting, the activities, templates, content, distribution of responsibilities, as well as the dissemination strategy, quality and evaluation plan of the first result (R1: DigiFinEdu methodological material) were discussed in detail. The benefits of involving associate partners in the project, sharing experiences and good practices in project cooperation with stakeholders were discussed.
During the face-to-face meeting, there was a great opportunity for everyone to speak, and during the group work we examined and filled in the Impact + table, which allowed us to predict the impact of the project on each target group: teachers, children, partner institutions and other stakeholders. We all shared ideas and put them together to develop a great plan on how to work with these target groups, how to reach them, to inform them to have the greatest possible impact.
The project "Promotion of financial literacy in primary and secondary education through gamification and digital storytelling" (Digifinedu) aims to increase primary and basic education financial literacy of students (9-12 years old) in FinLit to become financially savvy adults.
Project website: digifinedu.eu
Project social network: https://www.facebook.com/Digifinedu
More about the project on the eMundus page: DigiFinEdu
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.