Workshop. The importance of developing practical skills in the process of curriculum development
On the 19th of September, 2018, VšĮ „eMundus“, who is the official partner in Erasmus+ KA2 Strategical partnership project „Work based Learning 2.0“ (WBL 2.0) organized final conference (Multiplier event) to share the experience gained in the project and disseminate the results developed in the project period. Conference was organized in Santakos Slėnis (Santaka Valley), which is well known as a bridge between education and business fields, and which place research centres, projects development centres and Startups, companies and other institutions from business and education sector. Worth to mention that association Santaka Valley unites and integrates activities of 4 largest research and study institutions of Kaunas: Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuanian Energy Institute and 2 business companies: Achema Group and Kauno Tiltai at the science and business valley "Santaka". And the aim of this association which is - to carry out interdiciplinary scientific and applied research, to create proper conditions for high-quality research services to businesses , to coordinate technology development and its commercialization by helping to start-up and develop business companies, and to attract the necessary investment – is nicely related to WBL 2.0 project’s aim: to enhance the cooperation between VET providers and companies to promote Work Based Learning and prevent demotivation of the trainees caused by the lack of practical application of what they learn. Institutions who started their business activity in Santaka Valley were involved into WBL 2.0 project as companies who shared the experience, who gave the advices and recommendations for students.
During the seminar 77 participants from different educational institutions, such as colleges, schools, VET schools and participants from companies and Startups had possibility to know about WBL 2.0 project and its results, listen to each other, to gain new experience and knowledge, to discuss in focus groups.
Keynote speaker, Aidis Dalikas, who came from UAB “Social Marketing consulting” shared his experience and advices about how to attain the customer and what is on demand now, what kind of solutions we could provide and how marketing works in XXI century. Keynote speaker, Dr. Mindaugas Samuolaitis, the head of Career centre, presented the importance of collaboration between companies and educational institutions, while they share interns, also pointed out the importance of feedback, reflection and good practice in international field. Indrė Jurkevičiūtė, who is the Educator and adviser in Talent education sphere in the big international company Western Union, shared her experience how she is learning at workplace and which is the Learning strategy in big companies. Associated professor, Dr. Sigitas Drąsutis, shared his experience how he applied the results/material developed in WBl 2.0 project during his lessons with students at Kaunas University of Technology, faculty of Informatics. Gintarė Dzinzdelėtaitė, who is the researcher in Erasmus+ project “Videogames for teachers” shared how students could be motivated and taught using educational video games. Saulius Pukėnas, the head at interim of the Development department at Karalius Mindaugas VET centre, shared how the results of the project could be applied in VET training.
Conference finalized with focus groups, where participants shared their experience, discussed and presented the findings reached in each Focus group.
Feedback from the participants was very positive and it is visible that relations created during the event will give the productive continuation for the future business and educational institutions cooperation and communication.