Seminar: Traditions and innovations @ Kindergarten
Multiplier Event in Lithuania - Traditions and innovations @ Kindergarten
Date: 25 Oct 2019
Location: Kaunas, Lithuania
In the middle of the autumn, 55 participants: educators, parents and everyone interested in fairy tales, who wanted to know more and to hear international good practice examples and experience gained in Erasmus+ project "TIK: Traditions and innovations @ Kindergarten" and to understand why fairy tales are so important to us and how they could improve communities development, gathered at the seminar, organized by eMundus. Seminar started with fairy tale which takes in consideration 5 senses and which inspired participants to feel real atmosphere of the particular event. Participants were introduced with project results in detailed (didactical toolkit and the guidelines created by TIK project team) and experience from teachers gained during TIK international courses in Spain. Project's associated partners shared their good practices how they tested project's results in their institutions and which impact they had. Also teacher and manager from Mažeikiai Waldorf kindergarten "Namučiai po Smilga", explained secrets of fairy tales and shared her experience on how project activities were implemented in their kindergarten, telling fairy tales and reflecting with children. Seminar was finalized with performance made by Latvian lecturers, it was fairy tale in theatrical way. Even got very good feedback and participants expressed their wishes to use the results in their institutions.