Project "Socio-emotional Capacity Building in Primary Education" (PSsmile) won European Innovative Teaching Awards nomnation 2024 in the category of Primary education
We are proud to share that project "Socio-emotional Capacity Building in Primary Education" (PSsmile) was nominated and won EITA nomination (European Innovative Teaching Awards) 2024 in the category of Primary education.
The project promotes socio-emotional growth in primary schools by involving the whole community, helping build emotionally stable, inclusive, and healthy environments where parents and teachers deepen their understanding of education, nurture their own socio-emotional skills, and support children’s development.
Here you can find EITA disclosure of the laureates - Primary education (1:47-1:50)
Here you can find PSsmile project presentation
In 2024, the annual Awards theme is "Wellbeing at school", highlighting the importance of a whole-school approach to promoting the wellbeing and mental health of both learners and educators.
A total of 96 projects from 32 European countries are recognized and honoured across the four categories in 2024.
The award is implemented in close cooperation with the network of Erasmus+ National Agencies, which play a pivotal role in identifying and selecting suitable projects in four distinct categories: Early childhood education and care, Primary education, Secondary education, and Vocational education and training schools.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the project partners and wish everyone a meaningful and enriching cooperation experiences in the future.