DigiFinEdu training for trainers "Storytelling and gamification as motivational techniques for teaching kids financial literacy"
On the 26-30th of June, 2023 international training of DigiFinEdu trainers "Storytelling and gamification as motivational techniques for teaching kids financial literacy" took place in Kaunas, Lithuania. This event was organized after development of DigiFinEdu Didactical material (the 2nd main output of DigiFinEdu project) as well after the creation of the first scenarios of DigiFinEDU Visual Novel. It was the 2nd training of trainers and this time the event focused on the relevant DigiFinEDU practical activities where each country educators presented their practices and the rest of participants experienced them as students. As well training involved external experts who exchanged their knowledge and expertise in game design, gamification and storytelling.
Partners learned about storytelling techniques, game design software and the technical features that DigiFinEDU Visual Novel will have to respect, in order to actively participate and contribute to its development. Thus, this event was necessary to establish a fruitful collaboration on the development of DigiFinEdu Visual Novel (which is the 3rd output of the project).
Partnership also had a great opportunity to visit Swedbank Financial Lab in one of the biggest banks in Lithuania and also to follow educational programme in another event in Money Museum.
Furthermore, the event equipped all participants with a deeper understanding of the role that gamification plays and will play an important role in the future especially when we talk about kids’ education and financial literacy here is not an exception as well.
All in all, event involved quite different groups of participants (education experts, teachers, project managers, video game developers and writers, parents), provided all the participants (but especially the partners) with a wide knowledge on all the project’s topics (gamification, financial literacy, pedagogical methodologies), contributing concretely in enhancing their professional skills.
More aboit project: digifinedu.eu