DigiFinEdu – CIET 2022
On the 16th and 17th of June 2022, the 5th edition of the conference "Contemporary Issues in Economics and Technology – CIET 2022", was organized by Florida Universitària in Valencia, Spain.
At this conference, eMundus Project manager Stefano Corradi presented the article "Educational Visual Novels: An Experiential Learning design framework for teaching Financial Literacy", which illustrated to the audience the main structure of the project DigiFinEdu Visual Novel that will be developed during the next project period.
Scientific paper has been published in the conference proceedings and is available at the following link: t.ly/x72W
We are proud to say that this article, written by Stefano Corradi and Vida Drąsutė, received a special mention as "Best Scientific Paper" in the videogames panel.