Academia+ community started their works
The 1st of December, 2018, international project's Academia+ community made the first step and started the project!
The Academia+ project (Counsellors Study and Training Exchange Program for Key Challenges of European Labour Markets and Societies) aims to provide training, resources and exchanges of practices between European guidance and counselling professionals. It unites a core group of partners from the Academia network that will develop new innovative concepts, resources and a new IT-infrastructure including digital resources and services. In the project’s lifetime, these new concepts and resources will be developed and piloted. It’s part of the project’s dissemination and sustainability concept to implement the project’s outcomes beyond the project’s core group of partner countries, on the level of the Academia network.
The 1st project meeting was organized by HdBA (coordinating institution) on 27-28th of March, 2019 in Schwerin, Germany.
Project partnership:
- University of Applied Labour Studies of the Federal Employment Agency (Germany)
- CIO Euroguidance Strasbourg (France)
- Applied Vocational Psychology and Policy Research Unit (AVOPP) (Luxembourg)
- IT-Partner - VšĮ "eMundus" (Lithuania)
More about project: academiaplus.eu