We‘re inviting you to join our event in which we will explore urban spaces of Karalius Mindaugas avenue and discuss it‘s problems and potential afterwards.
Place of event: Karalius Mindaugas avenue and the surrounding area. Meeting place is at the entrance of Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Church of Vytautas the Great). The end of the tour is at the bridge of M. K. Čiurlionis.
Time of event: June 16th, 11:00 h. Event duration: 4 hours.
Free admission
The event is held in English
Abvout the event:
Karalius Mindaugas Avenue is one of the main transportation arteries in Kaunas, where busy city life takes place - it is an important transit route that is regularly used by public buses and trolleybuses, as well as private vehicles. The street is also densely populated: there are many residential buildings as well as commercial establishments, shops and restaurants. One can even say that this is one of the main trade and business centers in Kaunas.
However Karalius Mindaugas avenue isn‘t a human space. Unfulfilled potential of the embankment, priority for transport instead of pedestrians, street structure that destroys the urban integrity by dividing a single cultural layer into several parts – these are some of the main problems of the street.
During this event we will walk down the Karalius Mindaugas avenue and explore it‘s surroundings, also listen to it‘s history. Walking – walkscapes - go hand in hand with public spaces and architecture. It‘s a way to raise public participation in urban space renewal. After deepening our knowledge about Karalius Mindaugas av. We will discuss the problem of Kaunas city center public space and river Nemunas separation, and possibilities for fulfilling the potential of the place.
Relevant problems:
Division of semantic layers. In one of the Karalius Mindaugas av. sides is the oasis of peace - Nemunas Island. The other side of the street is the historical part of the city: the old town and new town. Wide Karalius Mindaugas avenue divides these sides, thus dividing the whole structure of the city into several parts;
Materialism as consumer culture. In Karalius Mindaugas av. a clear emphasis on materialism as consumption culture can be observed: commercial advertising, abundance of shops, as a result, promotion of consumption can raise questions about human values, lack of sustainability;
The relation of nature. The high concentration of cars and business activities can raise questions about the relationship between humans and nature. Is this intensive urban model compatible with nature care and sustainability? How does this affect the conservation of ecosystems and natural life forms?;
Traffic jams. Karalius Mindaugas Avenue is a very busy traffic route used by both cars and public transport. The high number of cars can cause traffic jams, especially during peak hours;
Pedestrian safety. Although the avenue is a popular walking path, there are places where adequate pedestrian infrastructure may be lacking. There are not enough pedestrian crossings in certain areas or they are inconveniently placed, inaccessible;
Drought problems. Sometimes a long drought can affect the health of the trees and the care of the greenery. This can cause drying and reduce the visual appeal of the street;
Noise level. Due to the high traffic flow, Karalius Mindaugas avenue can be noisy, especially with a high number of cars and the intensity of public transport;
Loss of community. Due to the large flow of people and shopping malls, there may be a feeling on the street that people are losing their personal identity and community ties. The street does not encourage mutual communication, stifling social, individual, mutual relations.